Tuesday 18 August 2015

How Confident Are You

                           How Confident Are You
There’s a saying that, some women are born winners, it’s not true, some women simply position themselves to win.

So, what separates the woman who wins from the one who doesn’t?

A large part of it comes with self confidence – knowing what you are worth. Some people call it having a high self esteem. Any woman who has it know exactly what I mean.

Below are ways you could turn yourself into confident woman.

  1. Define Yourself
Another way to put this is ‘know yourself’. Try to find out who you are and what you are worth, your abilities and capabilities, your strengths and weakness. Don’t let others determine who you are or how you feel about yourself.
  1. Know Your Strengths And Use Them.
Make a list of all the things that you are good at and the characteristics that you love about yourself. Use them.
  1. Transform Your Weakness And Strengths
Discover your weak points in life and work on them. Do not allow people to use your weakness as a yard stick to trample on you.
  1. Always Dress The Part.
Sometimes you just don’t feel like putting 100% into your appearance. We all have days when we want to just roll out of bed and head straight to work, wild hair and all. But remember, confidence is never tacky. I would love to believe that people don’t care about your appearance, but that’s far from the truth. The reality is that people judge you based on your appearance- your looks, your hairstyle and your dressing. So, always ask yourself ‘what message am I trying to convey with my appearance’

  1. Take Positive Risks And Actions
A confident woman wants the most out of life and pushes herself to be the best she can be. The only way to do this is to step out of your comfort zone and into something new.  You might fail sometimes but that doesn’t make you a failure. Instead, convert that failure into a stepping stone to a greater height.

  1. Use Positive Affirmations.
Remind yourself that you are created in the image of God. You are wonderfully and fearfully made. Tell yourself how fabulous you are everyday. You are the chosen generation.

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